1.6 Probability Theory


Probability is a system of reasoning that we use to model the world under incomplete information. This model underlies virtually every other model you’ll ever use as a data scientist.

told you this would be spacey
told you this would be spacey

In this course, probability theory builds out to random variables; when combined with sampling theory we are able to develop p-values (which are also random variables) and an inferential paradigm to communicate what we know and how certain a statement we can make about it.

In introduction to machine learning, literally the first model that you will train is a naive bayes classifier, which is an application of Bayes’ Theorem, trained using an iterative fitting algorithm. Later in machine learning, you’ll be fitting non-linear models, but at every point the input data that you are supplying to your models are generated from samples from random variables. That the world can be represented by random variables (which we will cover in the coming weeks) means that you can transform – squeeze and smush, or stretch and pull – variables to heighten different aspects of the variables to produce the most useful information from your data.

As you move into NLP, you might think of generative text as a conditional probability problem: given some particular set of words as an input, what is the most likely next word or words that someone might type?

Beyond the direct instrumental value that we see working with probability, there are two additional aims that we have in starting the course in the manner.

First, because we are starting with the axioms of probability as they apply to data science statistics, students in this course develop a much fuller understanding of classical statistics than students in most other programs. Unfortunately, it is very common for students and then professionals to see statistics as a series of rules that have to be followed absolutely and without deviation. In this view of statistics, there are distributions to memorize; there are repeated problems to solve that require the rote application of some algebraic rule (i.e. compute the sample average and standard deviation of some vector); and, there are myriad, byzantine statistical tests to memorize and apply. In this view of statistics, if the real-world problem that comes to you as a data scientist doesn’t clearly fit into a box, there’s no way to move forward.

Statistics like this is not fun.

In the way that we are approaching this course, we hope that you’re able to learn why certain distributions (like the normal distribution) arise repeatedly, and why we can use them. We also hope that because you know how sampling theory and random variables combine, that you can be more creative and inventive to solve problems that you haven’t seen before.

The second additional aim that we have for this course is that it can serve as either an introduction or a re-introduction to reading and making arguments using the language of math. For some, this will be a new language; for others, it may have been some years since they have worked with the language; for some, this will feel quite familiar. New algorithms and data science model advancements nearly always developed in the math first, and then applied into algorithms second. In our view, being a literate reader of graduate- and professional-level math is a necessary skill for any data scientist that is going to keep astride of the field as it continues to develop and these first weeks of the course are designed to bring everyone back into reading and reasoning in the language.